Sorry I didn't want to use a real picture of a pimple because thats really gross. I know some people can tolerate it but it makes me want to gag so I would like to think I am not the only one! lol
So here we go. How to get rid of a pimple ASAP!
Step 1: Wash your face! You want to keep your skin very clean when trying to get rid of a pimple. After you wash your face try to avoid touching it. I.E putting you had on you cheeks to rest your head. All that good stuff
Step two: Ice the pimple area. This is to take down any swelling. Later it will appear less red but while your putting ice on and a while after the area will more then likely be more red then when you started to put ice on the pimple. Hold ice there for 10 minutes.
Step three: Give your self a face mask. You can use yogurt. You can find this way in one of my previous blogs. Or just a cleanser/mask you have laying around. If you have a mask thats great, use it!
Step four: Get medicated acne medicine and apply to your face according to the directions on the box. Try spot treatments. Proactiv and Clearasil both have them. If you dont have these you can try tooth paste. Tooth paste will dry out the pimple. But dont leave it on to long because it will literally start burning you and eating you skin.
Now repeat this every 3 to 4 hours and your pimple will be gone in no time! =)
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Oh yes, once again I just googled these pics. You know how this goes. I take no credit. And yea! =)
See ya later guys!
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