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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Candle Light Service

Ok so I just posted a blog about this and posted a link to the church I attend. Then I remembered how stupid that was because you never know who's reading. It’s a scary thought when you realize you just posted where you live and there are some seriously sick people out there.  So I took that down. After a couple minutes when I realized it said where I go to church and all that good stuff that would make it easy for stalkers to find me. I highly encourage you guys to never ever even give a clue about where you live on the internet. You never know who is reading and what they are capable of!

Back to the Candle Light service. The pastor just seems like a really great guy. He always makes the crowd laugh and smile. He is the best pastor I ever had. So this time he talked about how some of us had wandered from Jesus and we need to find our way back. Candle light service was like a continuation of that. It was really awesome. I would love to tell you guys more but I don’t have any fun pictures of it because of how dark it was. So i was sitting in the balcony and realized a man filming. I am going to try my best to get that video for you guys! It was a great service why ruin it if I can post it on here. I will check on that so more. But if I can’t find it I will just do my best to tell you guys what I learned! =) lol 

By the way the singers are amazing so I really hope I find the video for you guys! lol

I highly suggest going to candle light service at your local church. They usually have a pretty amazing story. And hopefully you all already go to church every Sunday.

I was funny on twitter Rev Run posted somewhere along the lines of this. He invited a man to church and in reply the man said I don’t want to go to church its full of a bunch of hypocrites. Rev Run says in reply Well come any ways, there’s room for one more! 

Ha I thought that was pretty great!

Thanks for reading! I love you guys!
If you have any questions i can be reached by email at

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