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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just random blog. T-Shirts, Dress, Dog

Since this is a fashion make up and overall beauty blog I figured I should post a little bit more about fashion! =)
First things first. I listen to a rapper, who goes by the name of turbo. Maybe you heard of him, maybe you havnt. If not you should definitely check him out! I will give you links at the end of this blog. But let me get to my point before I get side tracked on how amazing I think his music is. He has these shirts for sell 25.00 dollars each. The fun part about it is that he will not put up the picture so it’s a surprise! Lol I know some of you won’t be a big fan about that but I think it’s a great fun idea! All we know is its black with a green heart, which the heart I think is his logo? I guess you could call it lol. I don’t know. Well anyways its really fun so I will link you guys to that if you want to get one of those. I am definitely going to soon as my next pay check comes in! lol Maybe I will post a picture of me in it. It may take a while and I may forget im not going to lie. So if you want that make sure you email me lol.
Second thing! I just got a new job at a fast food place. Not saying where of course. Heres the catch. I have to by the ugliest shoes I have ever seen in my entire life. So if you are thinking about getting a job at a fast food place it is a for warning! Lol that way you don’t look as ridiculous as I did when my manager told me you have to by those shoes. I was totally dumbfounded! Lol Im like why cant we just have all black shoes. I guess it’s a safety issue since they are non slip or what ever.
Third and last. I really want to sell my yellow dress I wore in a wedding. It’s great for prom. I will post pics of it for you guys. If you are interested I will sell it cheap for you guys. But if no one wants it im going to post it on ebay during prom season. I just wanted to offer to you guys because it’s a 300 dollar dress im willing to give for very very very cheap. Let me know if you are interested in that.
So this is totally off base but I really need to find a home for my dog. I can’t give him the love and attention he deserves but there is no way I can take him to a shelter. I would rather keep him than that. But I will post pics of him to. I don’t know if any of you guys are dog lovers but he needs a better home. I no longer have time for him. He’s a really loving dog and he’s always happy and excited to see us. He deserves better. So if anyone is willing to take him that would be great! =) I feel so sorry I can’t give him what he deserves.
Anyways thanks for reading guys! Let me give you links here.
Turbo’s shirt:
Turbo’s blog:
My email:
My twitter:

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