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Friday, December 10, 2010

Tips for the eyes! =)

I was on today and found amazing tips and tricks I wanted to share with you.
Keep in mind this is from not me. Im just sharing what they are saying in my own words.
First things first.
Curling the lashes.
Grab your eye lash curler. If you do not have one elf cosmetics has a really great one for $1.
anyways be sure its open and place the top at the base of your upper lashes. Hold for five seconds. Repeat if you fill the need. You can also move the curler closer to the outer corner of your eye to get those stubborn corner lashes. I have them and they suck!!
So now that you eye lashes are curled lets get some mascara on. Pick the color of you choice. Black is the most intense its what I use.
So you want to start at the base off your lashes and wiggle your way up to the tips of the lashes. This will insure you get every last lash. For a more dramatic look add an extra layer of mascara to the outer comers of your eye.
Of course the key to a perfect eye is to have a perfect brow so i am just going to straight up copy and past what they have because this is what i follow and they describe it perfectly.
eyebrow shaping

Get your perfect brow arch and shape in just a few simple steps.

You’ll be amazed how finding your perfect arch and creating a nicely-opened eye area can change your appearance. Here’s how:

1. Look straight into the mirror. Hold a pencil vertically against one nostril. See where the pencil meets your brow? That's where your brow should start. Tweeze in the middle between there and the other brow.

2. Next, pluck only from beneath the brow and remove any obviously stray hairs.

3. To get the right arch, angle the pencil to the outer side of your pupil, with the eraser end at the side of your nostril, and the top just past the middle of your eye. The spot where the pencil hits the brow is where the top of the arch should be, about three-quarters of the way out. Create a line that tapers upwards to this point. Repeat on the other side.

4. Next, angle the pencil so it aligns with the outer corner of the eye. Where it hits the brow is where the eyebrow should end. At this point, it should taper slightly down.

5. Now, use your Brow & Eyemakers Pencil with very light, feathery strokes to fill in gaps along the entire brown line.

Pro Tip: If you have long brow hairs, trim them with manicure scissors to keep them looking neat. It’s a good idea to trim before you tweeze; it will help you see the natural shape of your brow and locate where individual hairs fall.
you can check out the rest of their tips if you would like. at the very top they have a tips tab i guess you could call it and its truley amazing so have at it =)
email me with questions and requests

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