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Monday, December 20, 2010

Lets talk about true beauty

I just want to clear something up. Make up only enhances beauty.  Make up does not make a person beautiful.
With that being said I would like to share an email I received just a couple hours ago.
You make up fanatics are so vein. You wear make up to hide your real face because you have no confidence. That is not beautiful in a girl. Beautiful is the girl strong enough to never wear make-up. People who wear makeup are ugly underneath it all. What do you look like when you wash your face off at night? You make up ***** are just a bunch of stupid people with no confidence.”
I just thought this was interesting. Someone judging everyone who wears make up. Someone saying us make wearing people are stupid. I am not a fan. I love the art of make-up. Yes I consider it an art. We highlight our best features. I will use myself as an example. I love my eyes. I think my eyes are a great color I love the shape of my eye I love my long eye lashes. I love everything about my eyes. So I use the art of make up to enhance them. I use certain colors and I paint this mask on to show people, hey look at these amazing eyes God gave me. I don’t wear make-up every day. And when I don’t wear make-up I get the same complements. And it is always my eyes.  So I see nothing wrong with enhancing them and showing off my incredible eyes. Do I sound vein now or what!? Lol
Now that I have said that I’d like to admit; the person who wrote me this incredibly rude email is right. I don’t know about other girls; but make-up does make me feel more confident.  I am not going to sit here and lie to you. I feel a lot prettier when I am wearing make-up. You know why? Because, pimples are not great things to look at. I have a ton of scars on my face. They are not something I like to show off. That doesn’t make me afraid to do it. Like I said I don’t wear make-up every day. In fact, during the week I don’t wear make up more days then I actually do wear make-up. But when I want to feel more confident I will cover up my scars. I will cover up my dark circles. I will hide behind pain, tiredness, and sickness behind my make-up. I do it to show people even though its tough times, I care about myself and other people way too much to let myself look like I’m in pain, look like I’m sick, or even look tired. I want to be treated as if I’m perfectly happy. Because on the inside I am. I have a happy soul and that’s what I want people to see. Not the bags under my eyes, or the pimples on my chin created by stress. I want them to see my happiness, and my love for life.
 I refuse to use the word beautiful to describe a person’s looks. I consider a person beautiful by how they are on the inside. We have to face it though, not everyone can agree with me on this. Some people are going to look at us, say wow that person is not beautiful. They don’t know what’s on the inside. They don’t know whether our hearts are kind or not. I say that everyone deserves a chance to show off the beauty before we say they are not beautiful. Know a person’s heart before you say they are not beautiful. God created us all beautiful. No matter how unpleasant you are to look like; you can still be the most beautiful person in the world! Keep a kind heart. And with your kind heart please try not to judge people, it is wrong. I just graduated high school last summer so believe me I know about judging. I have done it, I have at it done to me. And its not a beautiful thing. So maybe its not possible to completely cut it out of your life but the next time you see and unpleasant to look at person, remember that they could have a kind heart. And that is really all that matters. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Do what makes you feel beautiful on the inside and do what makes you feel pretty on the out. Weather that’s make-up or no make-up, someone loves you and knows you are beautiful. It could be your mom it could be your dad, brother, or even your sister. But God is the most important. You are his best creation. He will always love you and find you beautiful. Keep that in mind and don’t be hurt by people who don’t even know what beauty is.
Bailey Alanna
Twitter: @B_alanna

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